The Camera Shake component is the main component of Camera Shake. It can shake multiple cameras, based on either their transform or camera matrix.
- See also
- CameraShake
- Cameras - The cameras to shake. This will default to a camera component on the same game object. If none is present it will try to find the main camera.
- Shake Type - The type of shake to perform (camera matrix or local position). Defaults to shaking the camera matrix.
- Number Of Shakes - The maximum number of shakes to perform.
- Shake Amount - The amount to shake in each direction.
- Rotation Amount - The amount to rotate in each axis.
- Distance - The initial distance for the first shake.
- Speed - The speed multiplier for the shake.
- Decay - The decay speed (between 0 and 1). Higher values will stop shaking sooner.
- Ui Shake Modifier - The modifier applied to speed in order to shake the UI.
- Multiply By Time Scale - If true, multiplies the shake speed by the time scale.