The UV Scrolling Layer will scroll the textures on a mesh.
- See also:
- ThinksquirrelSoftware.Thinkscroller.ScrollLayer
- Main
- Current Mode - Displays the current scrolling mode.
- Auto Weights - If enabled, weights will automatically be calculated based on the layer's distance from the parallax camera.
- Update Layers - Updates the weights in the parallax manager. This is usually automatic.
- Weight - The layer's weight. Heavier weights (higher values) move more slowly than lighter weights.
- Layer Speed - Displays the speed of the layer, calculated by its weight.
- Speed Modifier - A modifier that is multiplied with the layer speed.
- Auto Billboard - This must be disabled for this mode.
- Object Layer - This must be disabled for this mode.
- Renderer - The mesh renderer to scroll.
Texture Names
- Texture Names Array - Use this when using a custom shader. Texture Names correspond to the names in a shader. Thinkscroller will only scroll the listed texture names. Defaults to _MainTex.